Its been a while aye! I just got in from Palmy. We did a show there last night with the Bella Qweenz, turnout & weather waws shit but them the breaks! Big big shout out to the bro Khali for hookin' up the drinks at NOIR lounge bar. Thats a real fly bar. So if you're ever in Palmy go check it out! The tour kicked off in New Plymouth last weekend. It was dope! Shout to dude @ Playground where we had the pre-v.i.p party. Playground is a mean spot if your a baller or if you're into your kicks. I jammed at a spot called 55. The turnout was dope & i was happy az with the show. Snoopys Gin & Juice still wins at the partys aye! Had my gz roll with me down to NP so that was cool. We in Htown on Friday! Lookin' forward to that! I live in the H but aint played a show for fucken ages! Htown clubs are wack anyway!
Ah well thats me im a sign out for now! Been workin' on heaps of new music too i might post sumin this week!